Friday 4 September 2009

A brief update...

Just a quick one - I am now legally allowed to reside and work here in the BVI!! Also, Lisa and I have got an apartment - a gorgeous two bedder right at the top of the hill in a place called Ballast Bay. Our balcony has incredible views and (so I am promised by the realtor) is a good spot to watch sunset from. We'll be moving in at the end of next week and I'll put up some photos soon after.

On a more mundane note, I have now set up a local bank account. The only boring thing left to do is to buy a car - not long now I hope! "Mr James" - the local car sales man I have been dealing with is currently trying to negotiate with a somewhat stubborn local lady for me to buy her old car. At the moment this is somewhat similar to trying to get blood out of a stone. Time will tell...

Finally and on a lighter note, while walking from dinner back to our hire car the other night, I was holding the car key in my hand when I "tripped" and saw the key go flying out of my hand right in to the drain!!!! I could not believe it. Thankfully, a helpful bar lady in Pussers Pub (after hearing my dilemma) duly provided me with a coat hanger. Oh what a scene - Dan standing half in the middle of the road trying to fish the key out of the drain with a coat hanger!!!

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