Wednesday 29 July 2009

Swapping laptops for flip flops....

I will freely admit to having coined the title for this post from my girlfriend Lisa (who actually nicked it from a poster). However, it is the meaning which is important and not the origin!
Having left my job as a lawyer at a firm in London back in March, I have spent the past few months trying to decide what to do next. Thankfully, I have now been given the opportunity of a lifetime and on 27 August 2009, I will be moving away together with Lisa to start a new life in the British Virgin Islands. I will be working for a law firm as a solicitor and Lisa as a consultant for an international business consultancy firm (doing what.... I'm not quite sure).
I have decided that it would be nice to keep a blog of our exploits for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is a good way to keep in contact with friends and family. Secondly, I find it somewaht cathartic to comment upon life in a new country - with all the new experiences, people and places to consider. So over the coming months I will try to make regular (but not too regular) updates.
For now our day to day lives consist of filling in endless amounts of paper work, undergoing outdated and unncessary medical tests and pondering what to pack - all in the name of the British Virgin Islands Immigration Department. These are a real pain in the neck, but I am pretty sure it will all be worth it in a few weeks time!!